Version 0.13.2 Window Capture Issue


New Member
I've been trying to find answers everywhere... While trying to set up my Twitch Stream I started using OBS. I need to capture a part of the Twitch Chat window but (unlike the tutorials I've seen) my OBS interface doesn't allow me to specify a region of a window to capture. It's set to the full window and I can't find a way to change it.

Please help. I'm scheduled to stream tomorrow and I'd really like to set things up properly before then.


Active Member
Why not just load the twitch chat address into the browser source or use something like chatty?


New Member
I'm not really looking to download an additional program (chatty) just to cut out a portion of a window capture. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by the browser source. To clarify my issue a little more, here's a screenshot of my settings options.


Active Member
Use a Crop filter to cut off the parts you don't want. That's all that Subregion ever was anyway.

Also, you've posted in the wrong forum; this one is for Classic, not Studio.