Bug Report Vanishing Images

Okay. So I'm uploading images onto my scene. Cool. I exit out of OBS and open it back up 20 seconds later to find that the image has mysteriously disappeared. I can still see it in the sources, but on the screen itself it's completely invisible. I've tried bringing it to the front, which fails, and it refuses to come back. This forces me to upload another one...Which disappears when I close OBS.
Can anyone explain what the heck is going on?
What do you mean when you say 'upload'? Also, if possible please give a log file of the particular session: https://obsproject.com/forum/threads/include-a-log-file-if-you-have-a-problem-heres-how.16571/
I'm sorry, I meant to say insert an image. As for the logs, this problem has come and gone so I can't quite pin down what's what. I'm not sure if this'll help, but this was in an error report after OBS crashed on me. (images disappeared when I reopened OBS). Just to clarify, even when OBS does NOT crash on me, the images have a chance of disappearing.
Anyways, here's the error report: http://pastebin.com/tmdR64L1


I've noticed a bug where the image will seem to disappear when you change what layer it is on. Use the blue arrows to move it up and down. For some reason that worked for me and the image showed back up.
I've noticed a bug where the image will seem to disappear when you change what layer it is on. Use the blue arrows to move it up and down. For some reason that worked for me and the image showed back up.
Ah yeah, I've tried that with no luck. I'll give it another shot later on today though...