Question / Help v25 for Mac ETA?


New Member

Apologies if this isn't the right place or answered. The v25RC thread in Test Builds board is closed, so I can't ask there.

v25 is an exciting release for us, largely thanks to its SRT support. It works fantastic in the released PC version, but doesn't appear to working at all in the Mac v25RC1 version.....

Any hopeful ETA on v25 with functioning SRT support on Mac? Many of the groups we work with, both internal and external, are on Macs so gotta ask.

I can't understate how this feature can be a game-changer for some groups, especially those of us are suddenly in a WFH environment and planning events based on WFH environments. Being able to send a stable 15+mbps streams to production facilities on the other side of the planet with a second or less delay is amazing and made easy in OBS v25, a tool in which influencers, companies, etc. understand rather well in our industry. Much easier than sending out pre-configured SRT encoding boxes, just hoping it works out of the gate.

Anyhow, seeing there hasn't been a release for Mac in RC1, just hoping to get an idea on when to expect either another RC (with functioning SRT) or final release.



New Member

same situation here, tested v25 on win10 and works really well with SRT.
Since most of our editor works on mac and now due to covid-19 they have to work form home, OBS with SRT would be really helpful to have low-delay interaction with the directors.