Question / Help Using OBS with a Mixing Board and Mac


New Member
Hi I need to put all my instrumentation live into the room as some of my instruments are not miced directly rather with room mics. I need to hear it in the room. I need to be able to use a mixing board and my speakers in the room and then send sound into the software. I am only playing by myself but want the best audio quality to live stream a solo music concert. This concert I will not live stream with anyone else in another location. I use about 5 to 8 microphones. I also may use a iPhone (my roommates) or my vixia cannon video camera for the camera. I heard I will need a video capture card? I need to live stream 2 hour concerts. 1080 p. Music 48 K? Does the software record the live stream too so you can download. Latency needs to be at a minimum. What equipment do I need if I use the iPhone for a camera, and what equipment if I use the video recorder, and what is the schematic? I own a few focus-rites. My camera can do a clean screen without writing in it. I don't want to use the mic in the computer to pick up the audio in the room. Please advise. Also wouldn't mind being able to use 2 cameras eventually but you need some sort of multi input box? (not needed yet), and someday would be great to play with another person in another location but not needed yet.
