Using libobs for capture and streaming


New Member
Hey, there. I'm trying to create a totally separate program to stream games to a cellphone. Since OBS already have this functionality implemented, I wonder if it will be easier that I just build on top of libobs.

So, I have a few questions, hoping someone know a bit more about OBS can clear them up for me, thanks!

Q1. I noticed on the homepage, it says OBS supports "GPU-based game capture for high performance game streaming." I was thinking maybe OBS used "NVIDIA Capture SDK" or "Advanced Media Framework" by AMD. But then I checked the source code, OBS seems to be only using OpenGL and DirectX for capture, and ffmpeg for video encoding. Am I right thinking so? Or is there more to it?

Q2. I can't find much documentation around for libobs, can someone point me where to find the capture and encoding api?

Thank you guys!


Forum Moderator
1) Unrelated. OBS uses high-performance hooks to capture games. What you are listing are video encoders (NVENC and AMD VCE). Encoding is done in OBS with x264 directly or via ffmpeg if selected (advance output). NVENC (Nvidia) and QuickSync Video (Intel) is also supported, with AMD VCE being in development.

2) Look at the code, there is no documentation available right now.