Use Jack Audio Server with dummy soundcard to split OBS Media Source stereo track into 2 separate tracks.


New Member
I am using Ubuntu 18.04 and installed Jack Audio Server + OBS (Install from the Source). The system runs on a virtual machine in the cloud, without sound card. The idea is now to take the audo from the media source (video), route it into the JACK audio server and split it there into 2 JACK audio clients, which are loaded in OBS.

As you can see, the 2 JACK Input clients, which are used to route the audio back into OBS, are shown in the JACK Connections window (Jack InCl left/right). However, The Media Source Audio does not show up (which is probably normal, as it is neither a sound card nor an OBS JACK plugin). I tried to use the system capture 1 and 2, but they don't appear to give any signal.

So HOW can I route the Media Source Output into JACK?

Thanks a lot for your advice in advance!!


New Member
I'm not 100% sure of your specific setup, and I'm not too experienced with jack, but here's what I do and hopefully that can lead you to solving your problem.

I installed pavucontrol and use that to control my routing which i find easier to route things into the audio (both desktop, and all 4 of the aux/mic) of OBS. Usually it remembers what everything is supposed to route to, but sometimes you have to assign things
Screenshot at 15-57-15.png


New Member
@sickley Thanks for your reply! Do you use a real soundcard of a virtual one?

Pulse Audio Volume Control seems to be a nice audio mixer for Linux. I think I will give it a try. However I think that my basic problem is still the lack of a real soundcard. Without that, I guess, even pavucontrol will not find any devices to control, unless it comes with some sort of dummy driver.


New Member
Hard telling! I use cadence and it created a jack source for my mic and a jack sink for my soundcard and those load up as my default in pavucontrol.


New Member
So I finally found the solution. When using Cadence, there is the option to bridge JACK with Pulse Audio Server. This has to be activated, then the Pulse Audio Server can be used as sound source. Unfortunately, in QJackCtl, the option to bridge Pulse Audio Server with JACK doesn't seem to exist.


So, finally I was able to create the setup, using the JACK dummy driver only!