Question / Help Use Case Question: Linux CLI -> Youtube


New Member

I've been testing the mac version of OBS to see how well the output goes to youtube live streaming service. It works quiet well so that brings me on to the next question. Is it possible, once OBS is configured, to run it from the command line and start streaming? The thought might be to stream more than one stream to youtube (or other output). Is CLI possible or is OBS only available via the GUI?



New Member
hey tony

the CLI is very basic and still needs the GUI to run (so you must have X running)

configure OBS and then have a script run, somthing like this if you want to start at boot:

# pause to make sure the capture card driver has loaded and network is up
sleep 5
export DISPLAY=:0
obs  --collection collection-name --startstreaming

see more options here obs cli