Uploading large file to Youtube with audio not playing audio


New Member
I used channel 2 for game capture and channel 3 for microphone. Audio for both channels set to 320. Playback of mp4 file was perfect, but when I uploaded it to Youtube through my channel, I only get the game play video and audio but the microphone audio didnt' come through. The file is over 6G but Youtube did not restrict my size. I was confused during the upload process because it had two separate progress lines. One for SD and one for Hd. It kept saying it was going to take 31 more minutes but when I checkked my channel it appeared as completed and able to be viewed. Why wouldn't the audio from the microphone have posted? I am sure that the settings I have worked out in OBS are correct since they produce high quality video and audio. This is the first OBS file I have attempted to upload to Youtube. Is there some setting that is required within OBS to facilitate this? Youtube studio stated that the upload process was finished. I have uploaded other large files using an inferior recorder and never before had the distinction HD and SD and the files processed in under an hour. I know you are not support for Youtube but OBS is the most common vehicle for producing Youtube content so someone in this forum should be able to shed some light on my situation. Any help will be appreciated. I am a newbee with OBS. Could the fact that I was using 2 channels in OBS and only one channel wiith my former recording software?


Active Member
Youtube uses the audio on track 1, not multiple tracks.
OBS allows you to use multiple tracks so you can edit it later on your favorite video editor. Then when you export the video it have the video and 1 audio track.