Question / Help Updated to latest version, now I can't record

Gamer Grampz

New Member
I was following a youtube tutorial to update some of the settings and realized I'd been using an outdated version. I came to the site and downloaded and installed the 23.1 and then finished following the tutorial. Now when I try to click record it gives an error message saying "woops, OBS has crashed!".

Because of this, I switched to the auto setup wizard thinking that the tutorial was at fault, but I'm having the same problem.

I just updated my video drivers the other day, and I had previously recorded footage just fine since updating them so I don't think that would be the problem?

I'm using windows 10, i7 processor, Radeon RX580.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have a youtube channel and I'd like to get back to recording ASAP lol.

Thanks in advance!

Gamer Grampz

New Member
I just did and it didn't crash. I tried it with a game running and it really seemed to be affecting FPS. It also said at times that it was using between 20-45% CPU usage.

Any ideas?

Gamer Grampz

New Member
Thanks, I took a look and it wasn't on the right setting. I just did some testing and didn't dip below an average of 60FPS. Thanks for all the help... I appreciate you taking the time.