Undo workaround!

FWIW, I love this solution, and it has saved me. I thought I would pass it along.
OBS uses plain json (text) files that contain your scenes and profiles, etc.
These files are unlocked and can be copied even while you are building/doing a show.

In Windows, I use the utility "Second Copy" to check the files every 5 minutes, making a backup if it has changed, and keeping a large number of archive copies. It is a lightweight util that runs all day but only copies if changes were made. If the file is changing constantly, it will make a lot of backups; otherwise it does nothing.

If I screw up and want to rewind OBS to how it was a few minutes ago, I can close OBS and replace the JSON file(s) with a backup.

(Or I can use a tool (I like PSPad) to compare the contents of the json files and manually update what needs changing. This is dangerous and you can corrupt your project; I only do it because I've worked with JSON a lot.)

Second Copy can be set to run every minute or every hour or whatever your preference. I haven't noticed it interfering with OBS in any way.