Bug Report unable to stream and record at the same time

How long into doing both did the crash happen? I just did a quick test of clicking both start stream then star recording and let it run for about 30 seconds and my OBS 0.8.3 did not crash.

Edit: I did a test of my own and did not have a crash happen. Are you using the 64 bit or the 32 bit version of OBS 0.8.3? Also what are you using to capture the game?


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New Member
How long into doing both did the crash happen? I just did a quick test of clicking both start stream then star recording and let it run for about 30 seconds and my OBS 0.8.3 did not crash.
varying immediately to a couple seconds, mind if I ask what your settings are so I can copy them and try?
I just uploaded a set of logs where I did it for about 5 minutes to try and I did not get a crash.

Looking at your logs it seems you're trying to use a capture device. Unless I am reading the logs wrong. May I ask what capture device it is?
May not make since but have you tried to run both without the webcam to see if it still crashes? Just trying to figure out what is up with the starting part of your log stating:

18:39:19: LoadLibrary failed for 'libobs-d3d11.dll', error: 126
18:39:19: Failed to initialize obs video (-5) with graphics_module='libobs-d3d11.dll', retrying with graphics_module='libobs-opengl.dll'

Seems like something you're capturing is using opengl instead of DX11. If you figure out what then see if it can be switched to DX11 instead you may resolve the problem. Not 100% sure on this though.


New Member
Just messing with it and adding/removing sources, etc. Can say that it doesn't happen if I leave it completely blank. Just odd that it occurs randomly even though most of the time it's in the first few seconds or so. I've gone up to maybe a minute without it happening. Also, this pops up sometimes:


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Have you tried deleting everything you have for OBS including the logs then re-downloading it and putting the OBS 0.8.3 stuff back where you stored it before?


New Member
I decided to switch to recording in flv format since this seems to prevent the crash, I'll just have to convert the videos to mp4 or something later