Question / Help Unable to record


I am unable to record locally. The logfile tells me:
12:41:43: Couldn't find matching output format with parameters: name=(NULL), url=/Volumes/UserData/Users/michael/Movies/Raw recordings/Streaming/, mime=(NULL)
12:41:43: ffmpeg_data_init failed

My settings are:
Output: Advanced.
Recording tab: Type FFMpeg.
Container format: Default
Video bitrate 3000
Rescale checked, 854x480
Video encoder: Popup list is empty.
Video encoder settings: blank
Audio bit rate: 128
Audio track: 1
Audio encoder: popup list is empty
Audio encoder settings: blank

Log file:


Video encoder: the popup list was empty, and had nothing to select.
I do not give a name when recording, it gets a name based on the time.


Ok, so ...

First, I changed the container format from "default" to mp4.
Suddenly, there was stuff to select.

I was able to record something without issue.


1. The "file path or URL" needs to be the full name of a single file. Unlike the flv recording, which will make a series of files in a specified directory (letting you stop and restart recording), this makes just a single, contiguous file.
2. If I want quality-controlled recording, I want to say "video encoder setting: -crf 23". But that is instead of bitrate; I cannot say "no bitrate specified".

Either way, it looks like recording in flv, and converting to mp4, is the "more workable" solution, otherwise every recording will overwrite every recording.