Bug Report Unable to Live Stream to Facebook Live


New Member
Hi, from ubuntu 18.4 with obs 24.0.3 via snap:
Rich (BB code):
info: ==== Startup complete ===============================================
info: All scene data cleared
info: ------------------------------------------------
info: pulse-input: Server name: 'pulseaudio 11.1'
info: pulse-input: Audio format: s16le, 44100 Hz, 2 channels
info: pulse-input: Started recording from 'alsa_output.usb-Samson_Technologies_Samson_Meteor_Mic-00.analog-stereo.monitor'
info: pulse-input: Server name: 'pulseaudio 11.1'
info: pulse-input: Audio format: s16le, 44100 Hz, 2 channels
info: pulse-input: Started recording from 'alsa_input.usb-Samson_Technologies_Samson_Meteor_Mic-00.analog-stereo'
[swscaler @ 0x55ff579dfc80] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set range correctly
[swscaler @ 0x55ff579dfc80] Warning: data is not aligned! This can lead to a speed loss
info: Switched to scene 'FacebookLIVE'
info: ------------------------------------------------
info: Loaded scenes:
info: - scene 'Scene':
info: - scene 'FacebookLIVE':
info:     - source: 'BG' (image_source)
info: ------------------------------------------------
Attempted path: ../../data/obs-studio/images/overflow.png
Attempted path: ../../data/obs-studio/locale.ini
Attempted path: ../../data/obs-studio/themes/
info: Settings changed (stream 1)
info: ------------------------------------------------
info: ---------------------------------
info: [x264 encoder: 'streaming_h264'] preset: veryfast
info: [x264 encoder: 'streaming_h264'] profile: main
info: [x264 encoder: 'streaming_h264'] settings:
    rate_control: CBR
    bitrate:      2500
    buffer size:  2500
    crf:          0
    fps_num:      30
    fps_den:      1
    width:        1280
    height:       720
    keyint:       60

info: libfdk_aac encoder created
info: libfdk_aac bitrate: 128, channels: 2
info: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Connecting to RTMP URL rtmps://rtmp-api.facebook.com:443/rtmp/...
info: RTMP_Connect1, no SSL/TLS support
info: [rtmp stream: 'adv_stream'] Connection to rtmps://rtmp-api.facebook.com:443/rtmp/ failed: -2
info: ==== Streaming Stop ================================================

Thanks in advance


info: RTMP_Connect1, no SSL/TLS support

The snap version is not done and not supported by the OBS team. It is missing important features. On Linux the only supported version is the PPA.