Unable to install from PPA on Debian


New Member
Tried to install OBS on my linux machine earlier using the instructions here to add the PPA to my debian box. I got an error message saying that the PPA couldn't be found, so I decided to build from source and install the version built from source. I don't have the exact error message to hand for reasons that will be apparent in a moment...

Having built OBS from source and followed the guide to create a package - I then installed it using checkinstall. The resulting package installation failed halfway through, producing errors in my terminal about env and date. I couldn't type any commands (including reboot or shutdown) and now my system won't boot to a GUI, and attempts to login via TTY just kick me back out again. It's approximately an hour or so later and I'm sitting here rebuilding my system from the ground up. I'm trying not to be angry, but it's difficult.


New Member
So, apparently i posted about this before - but i couldn't find the post until recently. Could a mod delete this post since it's now redundant?