Unable to change focus

Kenny Dave

New Member
Linux Mint Cinnamon, log file: https://obsproject.com/logs/t1O4Q5SEi3XOKjRg

I have an odd issue where I cannot change the focus of the video inputs, of which I have two. If I go to the

Properties window
Focus, absolute

This is a slider. If I try to drag it , the properties window jumps. It will let me change it by one (e.g. 24 to 25), but it's not draggable like the other sliders. Changing the number by clicking the number and entering deselects the number.

Whatever I do, the actual focus of the input devices does not change. I have two, which are both running with the same driver. The "Focus, Automatic, Continuous" tick box has no effect on reality either.

Some other sliders are effected also, some are not. e.g. exposure time no, pan is ok. Tilt the slider works but doesn't have the usual effect.

Vid of the effect: https://i.imgur.com/YWxiy54.mp4

Any suggestions?

Kenny Dave

New Member
Any help on this? It's quite a problem as my job is 50% presenting to people. Not being able to change the focus settings is a major issue.

It was ok in Windows last time I checked, it used to work in Linux fine also. Is there a work around? A way to go back to a previous version or something? Shenanigans with drivers maybe?


Active Member
Most of the time, you do that sort of thing on the camera: pan, tilt, zoom, focus, exposure, etc. Those settings being present in OBS are more for convenience than anything else - and the commands do go to the camera, so you're technically "doing it right" in terms of where the effect actually happens - but it's not exactly standard for the controls to be *there* at all.

Is there another way to control your camera, that doesn't interfere with OBS getting the picture?

Kenny Dave

New Member
Most of the time, you do that sort of thing on the camera: pan, tilt, zoom, focus, exposure, etc. Those settings being present in OBS are more for convenience than anything else - and the commands do go to the camera, so you're technically "doing it right" in terms of where the effect actually happens - but it's not exactly standard for the controls to be *there* at all.

Is there another way to control your camera, that doesn't interfere with OBS getting the picture?
Wonderful Aaron, thank you so much. That resolved the issue.

If anyone else has the issue, I used Cameractls. Install instructions for Flatpak and Snap here: https://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/how-to-modify-your-webcam-settings-on-linux/

It's still an issue in OBS, so might want sorting at some time, but nothing more than a minor annoyance with this method. And I've learned something too.

Thanks again.


New Member
It seems like you're having trouble adjusting the focus of your video inputs in OBS Studio on Linux Mint Cinnamon. Here are some quick suggestions:

  1. Check Compatibility: Ensure your video devices are compatible with Linux Mint Cinnamon and OBS Studio.
  2. Update OBS: Make sure you're using the latest version of OBS Studio.
  3. Permissions: Verify that OBS has the necessary permissions to access your video devices.
  4. Reset Settings: Try resetting OBS settings to default to rule out configuration issues.
  5. Test with Other Software: Check if the issue persists with alternative video software.
  6. Hardware Check: Ensure your cameras and devices are connected properly and functioning.
  7. Community Help: Seek assistance on OBS Studio or Linux Mint forums for specific guidance.
  8. Bug Report: If all else fails, consider filing a bug report with OBS Studio, providing relevant details.
Remember to back up your settings before making significant changes.