Ultrwide gaming to 16:9 Stream


New Member

I have been looking around for a solution but can't seem to find a similar enough post anywhere to help me.

I am trying to figure out how I can use my 32:9 ultrwide monitor for gaming but stream at 16:9 without any black bars or distorted image from being squashed. I know I can just crop my input in OBS but I need a way to show my HUD on screen in games that don't have setting to adjust HUD positon.

The only solution I can think of is having a source for every piece of HUD, cropping it as small as I can to show the HUD then move it into positon on the canvas but this will have a weird effect as the backround of the hud will be from elsewhere on the screen.

Just want to know if there is a better way to go about this.



Active Member
My guess is that your games are being displayed at 1920x540 on a 1920x1080 canvas. I understand that's a lot of extra space but the bar(s) don't have to be just black. You could have the game on top, a cam in one corner and some art/slideshow/text in the other.
You could have an image border (20-60px) across the top and then the source below and other stuff at the bottom with a background.

I remember back in my pc gaming days there were ways to have some games output values to a text file. Don't know if this is still a thing but if so, you could make your own HUD.