UHD recording Radeon RX 6600 XT


New Member

call me naive but I thought this newer card would at least perform as well as the old one.
I switchted from a GTX 1060.
Yet when I try to record my screen in 4k obs just crashes. I tried a bunch of different settings.
I tried a package from repos, from snap and flatpak.

Only when I record 1080p it runs smoothly. Is there some limits to this card I don't know of?
Why would it not be able to record in UHD?

I'm using Manjaro Linux with Wayland and Pipewire.
ty, junicast


New Member
Actually not only the app crashes, but the complete systems goes haywire. Screen goes black for a short time, then comes back not I cannot reallly do anything any more. Some parts of the screen flicker. All I can do is reboot.

Is it possible that AMD just sucks at that? I always read that the AMD drivers are open source and so much better than NVIDIA. My current impression is that NVIDIA is lightyears ahead when it comes to Linux support, even when the driver still is partly running proprietary blobs.