Question / Help Two PC worst results?


New Member
I had one PC (i5 6600K 3.5Ghz) with this configuration: 2500 bitrate, preset veryfast, scaled to 720, 30 fps and lanczos. The stream quality wasnt so bad.

The problem: now I have two pcs setup (one for gaming, one for streaming). The stream pc has better cpu (i7 6700K 4.0 Ghz) and the same gpu (gtx 970). I use a capture card "elgato hd60 pro". I putted better configuration, like preset "low", more fps, more bitrate, and I get worst quality. Even the same configuration I get worst quality.

Why I get worst quality with a Dedicated streaming pc?

Thanks for help!

It shouldn't be worse, can you post the OBS log from the stream pc as this will help us, also ensure you have streamed so its contained within the latest log. The how to post a log can be located as a sticky in this forum.


New Member
Hi again,

Here you have the LOGs: - This is the LOG of the Stream on 1 computer only (Like always I did before). - This is the same config than before, but using 2 pcs. - 2 pcs changing preset to "medium" - 2 pcs changing preset to preset "fast" and 60fps - 2 pcs changing preset to "fast", 1080p and 30fps.


in the first log it shows "Number of dropped frames due to insufficient bandwidth/connection stalls: 897 (34.6%)" can you therefore run Twitch bandwidth tool ensuring you have your region selected in the tick box and post the result along with your internet speed for the upload.


New Member

I have the results:

Test Internet

Test Twitch Servers

try swapping from Prague to the Paris twitch ingest. The PRG is at 84 quality which can still work but the higher the better, given your internet speeds its not that.
The connection is now stable, what game are you streaming? LoL? should be fine at 2500 720p 30fps, just turn up the Bitrate until you hit 3500 (twitches limit for non-partnered) or a desirable quality. Bare in mind that users can't always view at higher bitrates, well they buffer, 2k is the recommend.

failing all this you could turn up the cpu preset until your cpu throws wooble as it can't handle it or you can drop the res from 720p. now its about the fine tuning.


New Member
I play all kind of games, now I'm testing with Rocket League, if I would have good quality in RL, I think I wouldn't have problems with any FPS.

Btw, the big problem is that, I can't obtain good quality, is more pixelated with better preset. I dont understand it.

Note: I stream with 2500 bitrate.
Rocket can be high motion i've streamed this my self and it does pixel, see how it looks on something less intensive as 2500 isn't that high for 720p.

the preset should make it less though which is strange unless the cpu is maxing, how does this look % wise?

I see the HD60 is set native at 60fps, could set this to 30fps also given you streaming at 30fps unless you are local recording also and want to keep that at 60fps?


If you want to make full use of presets, remove your custom settings, they can override what the presets do.


New Member
I finally putted on 2500 bitrate, preset slow, and 720p 30fps. I cant handle more than slow, else the cpu go overload. Its not a perfect configuration but well... I dont know what more I can do!

I dont know about what custom settings are you talking about Simes, I only changed the resolution, fps and bitrate. In obs studio I cant touch much more. FeelsBadMan

Thanks for help!


New Member
Boildown, I saw your stream, I love your quality (but you have to check the screen freezes). I would wanted to know your config if is posible!


Active Member
I haven't streamed anything in weeks though! You saw some highlight VODs? Most of them playback fine but I remember a few with experimental settings that had some severe freezing when I pushed my settings too hard. Particularly one when I mowed down an entire squad with my Flash's Kobalt right when they got out of a Sunderer.... Was a shame I didn't have better settings that time :) .

Check the x264 Options field seen here (last line at the bottom):


New Member
Yes, I was talking about the highlights :P
But that screenshot is about the recording settings, thats options affect to the stream video quality? I never touched it..


New Member
That I had by default. I putted like the screenshot now.

Im testing all kind of configurations, and I cant get a quality for be OK, or is too pixelated or too blurry. :\