We'll need some more info to help you out. What OS are you on, what Python version, and how was Python installed? In OBS, you need to go to Tools > Scripts and then go to the Python Settings tab. You need to select the path where you installed Python. For example, I installed Python 3.6 x64 on Windows 10 using the official installer for 3.6. I installed it for my user only instead of globally, so this is the path I use (which you will need to adjust to your install location; this is just an example):
Then, for the script settings, you need to have Enabled checked and if you want to test it without going live you need to uncheck Only Live.
The Client ID is the code you get when filling out the forms here:
The Oauth Token is the Access Token that you get from
https://twitchtokengenerator.com/. The Refresh Token is used to get a new token from that site before 60 days have passed. Use the Access Token in the script settings.
This script requires python-twitch-client to be installed, as it says in the script's comments. You need to open a console (Press Windows, type "cmd", select Command Prompt), change directory into where you have installed Python 3.6 x64 (you'll need to adjust the path below accordingly), update pip, and then install python-twitch-client:
cd C:/Users/Gelmo/AppData/Local/Programs/Python/Python36
python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip
python.exe -m pip install python-twitch-client
Let me know if the issue persists after you have confirmed that you have done the above and are using the Access Token for the Oauth Token field.