Question / Help Twitch Stream Crashes OBS Does Not


New Member
I've been having a huge problem with OBS lately that has not allowed me to stream much at all without getting extremely annoyed. Every 5-10 minutes my stream on Twitch will show that I am offline. On OBS it shows that I am still streaming, however my CPU usage drops to near nothing and my kb/s shows 0. The only way for me to actually stop the stream and restart it is to restart OBS itself. I tried resetting my stream key multiple times and even lowered my video settings thinking it might be a CPU issue. I'm not sure what else it could be, so any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.


New Member
Same for me. I streamed for months now without any issue. Since 2 or 3 days I can't stream without this problem. I tried everything from lower bitrate to different twitch server but nothing changed. A friend of mine got this problem too, it's quite new and newer happened before.

Log of a stream which didn't even last 1 hour:

It's really annoying and my channel suffers. I don't know how to fix it and I have the feeling it's not within my power to do so. Help much appreciated.


First off, your keyframe interval needs to be 2, not 60. What is you upload speed, and have you ran the twitch server test? Are you dropping frames?

also, set you base/canvas to either 1920x1080 and downscale to 720, or just set base at 1280x720 with no downscale and save some cpu overhead.


New Member
So I tried using an older build of Win10 -> not possible
Tried deleting patches -> not possible since they are not listed

Looks like my computer has to do some extra work with using OpenGL until there is a fix from Microsoft within one of the next builds. i will keep you informed if I can manage to stream without freezes again.
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Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
So I tried using an older build of Win10 -> not possible
Tried deleting patches -> not possible since they are not listed

Disabling preview should work in every case with no performance penalty. It's just very specific as to how it must be done.

As for the patches, do you mean you have no update patches listed at all? Or do you mean that you don't see the ones listed in the sticky? If the latter, that's probably because there have been a couple new patches since then, which is why it says, "Rollback Windows updates KB3176938, KB3189866, KB3193494, KB3194496, or their successors." So that could mean all of these:
  • KB3176938
  • KB3189866
  • KB3193494
  • KB3194496
  • KB3194798
  • KB3197954

In any case, good luck to you with the workarounds. Let us know how you fare.


New Member
I'm uninstalling all updates which have been made in the last few days. Gonna test stream over night then (with GTA5 for some decent VRAM stressing). Results here tomorrow.


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Please keep in mind that uninstalling updates may leave your computer vulnerable to bugs or security flaws that the updates were meant to address. Also, Windows will try to reinstall updates as soon as it notices they are missing.


New Member
My PC crashed over night. OpenGL had massive impact on my FPS if there was no other reason for that. Gonna stream with a driver rollback (NVIDIA) tomorrow.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Is there a particular reason why you're going for the more severe/intrusive workarounds instead of trying to disable the OBS Studio preview? Disabling preview is known to work to avoid this issue in nearly all cases. The only time I know it doesn't work if if you trigger a preview again by editing a source.


New Member
Yes, because I like checking my stream in realtime. That's what it's made for. I finally moved over to non preview mode as I mentioned in the AU-thread. No problems at the moment but I'm very anxious for the Win/NVIDIA fix for sure.
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