Question / Help Twitch Chat dock


New Member
Hi all, the Twitch chat Dock fails to render to correct size, the text input box is really small.... Have I changed something my end maybe?


New Member
OK, it seems to be everything coming back into obs from Twitch is small.....
I unlinked my account and when trying to re-link all the txt in that window (Twitch login details etc) are really small too....
Any help would be greatly appreciated....


Active Member
Thanks for updating on your fix!
It sounds like it might have been a bad-cookies issue in OBS; there's a way to manually purge those. For future reference, I believe it goes:

With OBS not running,
1. Go to C:\Users\YOURNAMEHERE\AppData\Roaming\obs-studio\plugin_config\obs-browser
2. Delete the Cookies and Cookies-journal files
3. Go to the Cache subdirectory, and delete the files inside.

This applies both to Browser Sources and the Docks system as far as I'm aware.