Twitch chat command on twitch to toggle obs overlays

As my title says, I want to toggle my overlays from twitch chat

I have a chat overlay on my obs server and I wanted to use the twitch chat clear command to also refresh that chat overlay when I am streaming IRL outdoor


New Member
I use the "Streamlabs Chatbot" and a script called: "OBSRemoteParameters"
it works with the OBS Websocket plugin.

the chat command: "!plink+" let the bot response: $OBSsource("3D-Plinko", "true") = Plinko is visible
the chat command: "!plink-" let the bot response: $OBSsource("3D-Plinko", "false") = Plinko is invisible
so its possible to switch sources, scenes and timed via chatcommands

take a look