Question / Help Trying to stream N64 with TOTMC video capture but no video


New Member
I have been trying to hook up my N64 for a while now to start streaming. I've never done anything like this before so there's a lot I don't know. I have a very old computer, so this may thwart my ability to stream in the end.
I have a Dell Inspiron 560, it's dual core...
I have my N64 hooked up to a capture device called a TOTMC, but I've realized it's a remake of the ezcap.
I have the capture device hooked up to a converter. It converts it from Svideo to HDMI which is going to the monitor. And then, obviously its also hooked up to the computer via USB.
After getting all the drivers and software FINALLY running (total pain in the butt) I have succeeded in getting my game to play through the software arcsoft showbiz... but only the audio. I tried all the different settings (although I have no idea what any of it was). Nothing seemed to work. Poor Mario is running about waiting for me and I can do nothing. IT's infuriating!!! What have I done wrong??
Also, before the game is even involved in the process, OBS has a warning saying high encoding... I looked on the forums about that and couldn't get it to go away. That's why I'm thinking I may not be able to stream in the end. But we are supposed to be getting a new computer... someday, hopefully soon.

Is there some other creative way to stream my N64?? maybe a second monitor with the N64 hooked in and to the computer?? I don't know...

Help :(