Question / Help Trying To record

Original Jerry

New Member
I'm having a problem where I can see what I want to record and I can also live stream it, but I can't record. No mater how much I click start record and even wait for it, nothing happens. No idea why it won't work. So, 2 people here need help...


New Member
What encoder are you using? I used to have this problem when I tried encoding to VP9 for example.... would just hang on "stop recording". I also had the problem when I messed around with the MP4 container settings. Going do default x264 program with H264 fixed it in my case, long ago.

Are you using default encoder and container settings?

@Original_Jerry, that sounds like an entirely different issue altogether... create your own thread rather than thread hijack, if you can.


New Member
I just switched to x264 and it fixed the problem... also downloaded new version. but its fixed now, Thanks for the help.