Question / Help Trying to record on OBS and crashing


New Member
I've been trying to record videos for a game I play (combos for a fighting game) on OBS Studio (used OBS Classic for a long time before the game capture just stopped working for me and I switched to Studio), however recently I've just been getting crashes.

Here's my last log where I tried to record a video and it crashed

I had way less issues recording stuff on OBS Classic. Is OBS Classic less resource intensive than OBS Studio? I could record at a higher quality in OBS Classic without getting encoding issues or these crashes.


Active Member
Please,post a complete log

21:57:16.801: [WASAPISource::TryInitialize]:[Speakers (3- Logitech USB Headset H340)] Failed to activate client context: 88890004
21:57:16.801: [WASAPISource::WASAPISource] Device '{}.{78b40eee-f242-49a9-90a9-e0e048872f1d}' not found. Waiting for device
21:57:16.804: [WASAPISource::TryInitialize]:[Microphone (3- Logitech USB Headset H340)] Failed to activate client context: 88890004
21:57:16.804: [WASAPISource::WASAPISource] Device '{}.{3046cd15-fc00-4975-9039-a2c7df24202f}' not found. Waiting for device
Maybe you should reinstall your headset drivers.


New Member
I used the github exporting thing from the help file to post it and didn't tamper with it in any way.

Also my headset wasn't plugged in at the time. Would it still cause this issue?


New Member

Are these two useful? The first one has my recording and streaming values (streaming doesn't cause it to crash but recording does), while the second one mentions something about a memory leak (this one didn't crash, I was opening OBS to find the folder and it made another log and I just looked through it and thought the memory leak might have been useful information).

I do appreciate you helping me through this by the way, I have zero idea how to work with OBS.


Active Member
Both logs are not complete

But, if you can do it, change to wired network
You have several game captures
General advice is using only one per scene collection, or, at least, make sure you don´t have more than one game capture trying to hook same game.