Question / Help Trying to improve video streaming on Mac Pro, new video card?

Rip Rowan

New Member
I'm using OBS to do RTMP streaming of a single webcam and audio.

What I'm seeing is unusably slow, choppy video rendering. Best performance is setting the camera to 640x480 and setting the video settings to 640x480 so there is no rescaling. Still the performance is quite poor. 720p resolution is impossible.

My Mac is older and I have an old crappy video card (GT120). I do not see the option to select my video card for rendering. I suspect this is the issue.

1. Will upgrading fix my problem so that I can effortlessly stream video?

2. Anyone out there using an old Mac Pro (mine is ~2010) and what card are you running? I happened to have a GT430 on hand and dropped it in. It worked as a video card but did not enable the rendering option so it wasn't any help.



Community Helper
Ignore that video card option. It doesn't do anything yet. OBS is using your GPU for rendering, I assure you, even though nothing appears.

Can you post a log?

Rip Rowan

New Member
@dodgepong you actually helped me resolve it. Your reply made me realize that the issue must be driver related, so some Google-fu and I figured out that installing nvidia's driver pack fixed the issue. THANKS!