Question / Help trying to broadcast middle school morning news... stream pauses video

Chris Deluca

New Member
I am trying to use OBS to allow middle school kids to broadcast morning announcements to the school. I have a computer with Ubuntu Mate 15.10 installed and am running a local RTMP server on the same box. It has 8 gigs of ram and the software works well and even records everything just fine. I am using a laptop that sends the video to the school. I am using VLC to connect to the RTMP stream and the video in the stream pauses constantly. We will see about 30 seconds of motion then it will free for anywhere from 5 to 20 seconds... the audio stream continues just fine. I have tuned and tuned OBS but I cannot get this to work. I have included the last 3 log files.

I don't think it is nginx but I am willing to try to host the RTMP server elsewhere if I need to.. I suspect it is the rendering but I need some direction.

Thanks in advance.



  • 2016-03-14 10-52-15.txt
    21 KB · Views: 40
  • 2016-03-14 11-47-10.txt
    13.2 KB · Views: 18
  • 2016-03-14 13-12-26.txt
    37.6 KB · Views: 16


Active Member
The problem is the source machine. Pentium processors aren't powerful enough to be able to do the realtime encoding needed to stream.

Chris Deluca

New Member
So are you saying there is no tweaking I can do in order to get a decent stream? We don't need any high quality video the rebroadcasting system that puts it on the tv cable for the school can't do any high resolution. 1024x768 is all it can do.


Active Member
You might be able to downscale some more, but that's about it. If you had access to an i5 or i7 system, you'd be able to do more.


Active Member
So are you saying there is no tweaking I can do in order to get a decent stream? We don't need any high quality video the rebroadcasting system that puts it on the tv cable for the school can't do any high resolution. 1024x768 is all it can do.
This was your video thread frame: max=363.158 ms that was peak but still. do you have a dedicated GPU? this is where storing and scaling is done with OBS. it is recommended to use a dedicated GPU and not the onboard one.

I also noticed that you have the mic enabled for the c920, which defaults to 32000Hz to which the rest of your hardware does 44100Hz. I would disable the mic in the video capture device and use a different mic instead. different audio format can cause it to reencode the audio which would cause more load on the CPU

I would also consider the rtmp on another PC. even a raspberry pi can do rtmp just make sure its wired. that being said, this isn't the heart of your issues unless the rtmp is transcoding. if its just a relay then it should be alright I think. you dont have much processing to work with so no cutting corners