Trouble using NDI outputs from Arch Linux


New Member
Dear Community,
i am currently trying to stream games from my gaming pc (Arch Linux) onto my Streaming-PC (Windows) using ndi.

Installation of NDI worked flawlessly on both machines.
I read that the "main ndi out" is not enough, a dedicated NDI Output via a Filter is what you should do.
So i did both of these things, i enabled the Main Out and named the NDI Output "Gaming-PC", and added the dedicated NDI Output filter on the Video and Audio sources.

However the NDI Sources table on the Windows machine were still empty.
My troubleshooting process looked like this:
Add a filter on the gaming pc for ndi output, and check if the same pc can take the NDI Source as an input. This did not work.
Doing the same thing on the Windows machine, the NDI Source of the streaming-PC showed up.

I also downloaded the NDI Network Analysis tool from and scanned the network for NDI Sources.
The only enabled NDI sources were on the linux machine, but the analysis tool did not discover any signals.

This leads me to the suspicion that the NDI Output of the Linux machine isn't working.
The Logs don't show any signs of bad behaviour: (Linux PC)
The Logs of the windows machine (though i think the issue isn't here):

OBS Version: obs-studio 25.0.8-1
OBS-NDI Version: obs-ndi 4.9.1-1

Am i missing a setting somewhere?

Thanks in advance,