Bug Report Transparent TEXT color not work with outline.


If you create a TEXT, and you go into Transparenty (alpha) on that color, it works really nice with transparenty.
But the problem is if you turn on outline then the alpha channel dont really work, since all of the text gets a black background.

So Im guessing the alpha channel does not apply to the "outline"... I guess it should, or at least implement a feature where it can apply same amount of alpha on the outline settings.


Community Helper
Filters aren't really working correctly with the text source at the moment unfortunately. It's a known issue, but thanks for the report.


Im not sure if I missunderstand what you are calling differnt things.

But the transparenty that is working, that Im refering to is not a "Filter".... its one of the default settings on TEXT layer.
But maybe that is also a kind of filter... Im not sure.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Could you give the exact steps to reproduce (including font name, size, and font setitngs, etc)


Could you give the exact steps to reproduce (including font name, size, and font setitngs, etc)

2secs.... see if I Can find it.

Font: "Skratch Punk"
Font Style: "Normal"
Font Size: "80"

Color1: #64aa0000 RGB1: 170-0-0 Alpha: 100
Color2: #64aa0000 RGB2: 170-0-0 Alpha: 100

With them settings, if I enable "Outline" then the entire background of the TEXT turns black, instead of only the edges of the text. And the transparenty does nto seam to work.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Edit: Thinking about it, it might be that that font actually has "Cracks" all over it so it might be correct with the outline. Im not sure.

Is there any way to define the thickness of the outline ?
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Suslik V

Active Member
Not a big deal, but the bottom of the last string is wrong aligned (cuted) when outlined (see the picture):

Text display OBS MP 32 w7x86.png

Resolved (v0.14.2 - it only visible in properties window, output is normal).
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