Transition Hot Key (space bar) also stops and starts the recording session. The latest Hot Key Bugaboo.

We air 2 shows a week. I use OBS to record both shows. We start in black and end in black and when done I simply upload the complete file to YouTube. Periodically I have noticed that the record button isn't locking-in for some reason. I thought it was me in my haste I didn't click on it properly. Today when I had some time, I set-up a show, started in black, hit the "Start Recording" button and hit the space bar to transition to Camera 1. The transition works fine, but at the same time it also stops and starts the recording session every time the space bar is hit. This is beyond ridiculous.

When this happens, I have to bring the recorded OBS clip and the back-up camera clip into Premiere Pro. To download the clip from the back-up camera takes about 20 minutes Once everything is in Premiere Pro, I use the audio tracks to align the clips, grab the beginning of the back-up clip and add it to OBS clip. After that I have to add the logo, equalize the audio tracks, eliminate the click at the edit, export it to Media Encoder, render it and then upload it to YouTube. This takes a whole hour to do.

I am totally disgusted with all of the bugs in this program. Further, I'm really fed up with Joel Bethke's limp-wristed attitude, when he writes that the Hot Key bugs are not a high priority issue at this time, which leaves me wondering when, in fact, will they be?

He has threatened to censor my disparaging (no filth) posts by blocking me from the OBS Forum. That's fine... It's your forum and you can do what you want.

Me? Every Sunday I look for OBS reviews and add my comments there. You can't put a cap on truth Joel; it's like trying to cap a volcano; eventually it blows.