Question / Help transcode single video file on per connection basis


New Member
How can I do the following:

User A and User B want to stream video Asset Y with their user names overlayed on the video as part of the stream being sent to their player. This source video asset (asset Y) is a single .mp4 file on storage available to the OBS server and is encoded in h264 with aac audio.

What I’m wanting is : when user A streams Asset Y, OBS begins to transcode Asset Y and add an overlay (with the user’s name) to the video. Then it streams the encoded frames to User A as they become available.

While User A is viewing his/her stream , User B also request OBS to stream Asset Y to him/her. When this happens, OBS starts up another transcoding job to transcode Asset Y so that the video stream has User B’s user name. Now both User A and User B are receiving separate versions of Asset Y that are being transcoded on the fly.

Is this currently possible in OBS? If no: would I be able to use the API to create something that does this?


Forum Admin
Are you sure you aren't confusing OBS with another program? OBS is a client program to stream to an RTMP server, it does not include any server interface or client pull functionality. VLC / ffmpeg / nginx may be more suitable to your needs.