TrackInfo+ For OSX/Mac. Get music information from Spotify or iTunes

Free TrackInfo+ For OSX/Mac. Get music information from Spotify or iTunes 1.0Beta

ha0511kr submitted a new resource:

TrackInfo+ For OSX/Mac. Get music information from Spotify or iTunes - Allows you to get current music information from Spotify or iTunes on OSX/Mac

TrackInfo+ allows you to get current music information(song name, artist, album) from Spotify or iTunes. This is for OSX/Mac Only. Here are some image below:

Image Coming Soon...

This program uses .txt output, which means you are able to use any streaming software on (OSX/Mac) that allows you to input .txt files.

Going to be added:
  • Music Artwork

Please note, this program is in beta, so you will come across some glitches and bugs. If so please let me know....

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