Touchscreen causing X Errors and weird UI Freeze while streaming continues


New Member
Hi all,

I'm wondering if anyone has any insight on a problem that I've been having. I have OBS studio running on Ubuntu 18.04. It was stable until I added a second monitor (a touchscreen). Every time I tap on the touchscreen to change scenes, an X error appears in the log. Something like this:

X Error: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation), Major opcode: XI_BadMode (invalid Mode parameter), Minor opcode: 53, Serial: 88828

Eventually (sometimes it's within a few minutes; sometimes almost an hour), the OBS UI freezes and it needs to be killed and restarted. Interestingly, when it's in the frozen state, it continues to stream the last scene with moving video and audio. One just can't control OBS anymore. Also interestingly, the problem goes away entirely if I start a Wayland session instead of a ubuntu X session. (I guess that makes sense, since it's an X Error, but whatever problem X has with my touchscreen, Wayland seems fine with it.) For reasons too boring to get into, I would rather run OBS in an X server than in Wayland, so I'm wondering if anything can be done about this error. I've tried a couple different touchscreen drivers with the same results. I'm currently using evdev, since it correctly maps the touchscreen out of the box, unlike libinput.

I have tried to parse the X error message to get some info from it, but I can't make heads or tails of it. Some people seem to have had a similar error when using a wacom device that was in the wrong mode, but I can't seem to translate their solutions into a workable one for me. Any insight anyone has into this problem (or even just how to understand the X Error) would be greatly appreciated!