This is what prevents OBS from becoming my primary recording software


New Member
It's time for some feedback from a gamer's perspective, i hope it will help OBS reaching wider audience.
There are currently 3 main reasons why i cannot uninstall the other recording apps and make OBS my primary one.
  1. Lack of visual feedback when in fullscreen
    When i press the recording shortcut and i'm currently playing in a fullscreen, there is no indication that the recording has started or stopped. It has already happened to me that i didn't press the key enough and the recording didn't start, so i played for 20 minutes just to realize nothing has been recorded. It would be great to include some kind of overlay which would inform user that the recording is enabled and which would not get into the recorded video.

  2. Output resolution must be manually adjusted
    Everytime i start a game that uses other resolution, or i change the output resolution in the game's settings, i have to go to the OBS video settings and change the canvas size to match it, otherwise i end up with small video rectangle in the upper left corner and with black bars at the bottom and on the right. It would be nice if the OBS could automatically detect the output resolution of fullscreen app and adjust the canvas size accordingly.

  3. Problems with recording old games.
    OBS is currently unable to record anything running in DOSBox in fullscreen mode. Also, recording some non-DOS games produces weird results. For example when i record a Descent's engine port called DXXRebirth, the resulting video is upside-down.
Overall, OBS is still very good and i love the detailed compression settings that others don't provide and that allow me to tune the recording to a specific game and hardware, but these issues are just too annoying for me to use it regularly. I hope they will get addressed one day.