This is how you REALLY fix your dropped frames (network)


New Member
First of all I wish someone could keep this thread up on top so everyone with these issues can see it much easily.
Second thing is that I want to apologize for my broken English but I'm gonna write it all down and I'm sure you will understand everything perfectly.
Let's start then!

I was getting dropped frames (network) constantly every single live stream since March this year up until today, and I was so desperate because streaming is my only way to get some cash. I also watched over 15 videos on YouTube trying to fix this issue, tried to find something on Google, even read forum threads here to see if anyone managed to fix it, but none of that stuff actually worked.
So whoever told you to bind your network to your IP (OBS advanced settings) or enabling network optimization, or checking dynamic change of your bitrate option when you start receiving dropped frames. None of that will actually work for you in this case. Even if you allow dynamic change of your bitrate it will only get more pixelated and blurry when you start receiving dropped frames, but we want our streams to be pure and clean, right?
If you streamed before without any issues and you start experiencing dropped frames all of a sudden for no reason known to you, then you're in right place. You don't need to change your PC, or your OBS settings (even that won't help you a tiny bit), or opening Firewall ports, or allowing OBS in your Firewall settings, or whatever. The problem is your ISP (Internet Service Provider).
I made at least 100 calls with my ISP agents to figure it out how can this be solved. Their so called "progressive technical support" went over my place at least 4 times trying to fix it without having any clue where to start from. They changed my router 3 times, and now I have their best one yet. Guess what, that didn't change a thing.
So here is what you need to do in order to stream again perfectly like you did before. I will apologize once again because English isn't my best language but I will try to explain it in details.
You need to call your ISP and ask the agent that you need to talk with their most professional team that fixes literally anything you're experiencing (but they are sometimes hard to get). When you manage to talk with them, make sure to tell them exactly what is happening on your live stream. You need to ask them for someone to come over and change your internet line (maybe there's another word for this but I am just translating it from my own language). This internet line should be somewhere around your block, on the street, or wherever they put it. When I was having dropped frames (network) issue, my internet was connected on the line with at least around 500 other users living close to it which includes companies, stores, banks, drugstores and such. They came over today and disconnected my internet from that line and connected it back to another one that's a bit further away with cables and other equipment they bring with themselves. Now that I am connected to this 2nd line I am not experiencing a single dropped frame because I am connected to it with another 50 users instead of 500 like I used to be. This will definitely solve your problem and this is their obligation to help you out with it or any other issue you're experiencing with the internet.
Now that I can finally stream again, I am more than happy to share this "short" story with any of you experiencing the same problem like I used to just a couple of days ago.
When you fix this thing, you won't be needing anything in your network settings (advanced OBS settings tab).
Also quick tip: don't use more than 50% of your upload speed on bitrate.
Example: if you have 10mb/s upload speed, don't put your bitrate over 5000 and so on.


New Member
Also always run your OBS as an admin, and always go to performance mode when showing your gameplay!


New Member
Hello, I have the same problem, the difference is that I do tests on facebook and on yotube with the same configuration and everything works fine. 6000 stable bitrate not a single lost frame but I have the problem on twitch since even with 2500 bitrate I lose frames and I don't know how to solve this