This is Great Software...


....congratulations to all involved!
It is so much fun to explore and so inviting along the way.

is there a “freeze frame” concept or plug-in? A way to pause/un-pause vision while still streaming audio?


Appreciate the link, thank you. I will look into it.

I’m very new to OBS, so with apologies, here’s another question:

I see there are Delay concepts built-in to some Filters which seem geared towards maintaining lip sync etc. by shifting time , expressed in microseconds...

I’m interested in those features but also in any plugins or approaches that permit much greater Delay times, for use during on-going, live streaming.

Something along the lines of traditional radio/TV’s “7-second Delay” or even a greater duration.

Permitting input Sources of live, or un-edited files or pre-moderated inter-active audio content to be enhanced or accompanied by previously stored visuals that may take a few seconds to locate and apply from an archive... used either as a non-destructive “cutaway”/ “overlay” like a PiP, add-on. To be placed in sync with the streaming audio content.

Perhaps such a Delay is flexible enough to permit some kind of “destructive” shortening, so that any random noise, a mis-speak or even a somewhat long silence could be reduced when it is confined to length of the Delay. and is “action-able”... a bit like a video gamewhose purpose is to Save time seamlessly you the viewer.

is there any Plug-in that is already handling concepts along these lines?