This Is A... "Stretch"

A "stretch" because this is a question about upscaling... and may be asking for too much!

Is there an upscaler plugin or technique that will allow me to take a 1080p video input and make it look as good as possible blown up to a 4k (3840x2160) canvas that is saved as a 4K video?

Obviously, the higher the bit rate for recording, the better. 4K/60p is ideally 120,000Kbps. And I know, blowing something up 4x it's size will never look PERFECT, but I was wondering if there was any upscaling tech for OBS that could help improve the look outside of just grabbing the corner of the element and stretching it out to fit the canvas.. Something like an AMD FSR? I have a Mac Studio so I can't instal any new graphics cards or anything.

I add about 0.10 of sharpness as an effect filter on my video input. That seems to be a sweet spot of making it seem like it's more detailed without looking super digitally pixellated.


I don't even really see any input devices that offer 4K/60 through their USB (I've seen 4K/30p but... I want 4K/60p).
Man... I thought I looked up what's new in the capture card world, not sure how I missed this. Seems lots of YouTube videos on it posted only a month ago. Thanks! And for the info on mClassic!


Active Member
Below are pictures from a PBS show at 1080P and then up-scaled to 4K. Note: To get the files under 1 MB I had to save the 1080P one at 98 JPEG quality and the 4K one at 92 JPEG quality so there is a bit of quality loss.


  • PBS-1080P-98.jpg
    788.2 KB · Views: 66
  • PBS-4K-mClassic-92.jpg
    1,020 KB · Views: 28