Theme update idea to tie themes to Scenes (Setting Themes & scenes for different streaming services)

Mike C

New Member
Hello everyone.

Is there a way to either setup in some format a Theme / scene combination.

Here's my request / question.

I stream to Facebook, Youtube, Twitch and do several other video related projects.
I'd love to see the theme tied to the Scene selection or launch custom versions of OBS.

Something like setting a twitch style theme something like Twitchey theme and have all my settings/ scenes for broadcasting to twitch.
Same for YouTube using the Youtubey theme to display visually that I'm in my Youtube setup.

Is this possible? Could we find a way to tie the theme of OBS to the Scene selections.

Scene 1 - Facebook setup - Blue theme - Facebook stream & Recording settings
Scene 2 - Twitch setup - Purple Theme - Twitch stream & Recording settings
Scene 3 - Youtube Setup - Red theme - Youtube streaming & recording settings.

Tying the theme to the scene selections would allow the users to visually see what theme/scene collection they may be in by the colors of the theme. Maybe also adding a option to create a custom colored theme that you could change the button colors and panel heading colors that is tied to the scene.

Mike C