Thanks for so far...


New Member
I am new to the forums, but I wanted to just thank the development team. You saved me over $400. I had become very frustrated with FMLE and its poor frame rate and how hard it worked my processor.

OBS, even in this very early form, is stable and really pretty. I am excited for the future, and I wish I could contribute to the programming...but alas...I am a chemical engineer not a software engineer.

I will be visiting the tip jar, but thanks...thanks a ton.


New Member
I agree guys thank you so much, I used to only be able to stream at 360p on FMLE and now can stream in HD thanks to OBS, I hope to see as great a rendition of this OBS as PC has with theirs.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
No problem! Glad you find it to be useful despite the fact that there's still so much left to be implemented. I decided to release it despite that fact because I knew it would still be usable to people, and better than the majority of options that are currently available.


i use it daily too! love it! only been streaming for 2 weeks and I've already smashed 600 followers on twitch, love the software. keep it up lads