Thanks for OBS on Archlinux, though transitions would be nice!

Kai Hendry

New Member

Thanks for OBS! It's works far better than recording video on X11 via ffmpeg, e.g.

I have a couple of issues:
* No feedback that my hotkey it working, is there some file API can query to know I'm recording?
* Transitions would be nice so it's not so abrupt moving between my face and desktop
* On Archlinux with dwm window manager sometimes I can not easily resize windows around
* Be good to record to MP4, to epoch time stamped filenames

I still wish capturing /dev/video1 was slightly smoother =)

Thanks again,


  • 2015-06-06 20-04-12.txt
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Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Transitions are definitely coming, fear not.

Feedback is a good idea, maybe a sound being played at least or something would be nice to indicate that recording has started/ stopped.

What's wrong with the dwm window manager? I don't quite understand. Think you could make a video of it?

MP4 native output is in 0.11.0 (next patch as of this writing)

Kai Hendry

New Member
I run a little status script that could just test -f /var/run/obs-recording and then put a red circle in my status bar. Don't think a sound would work. :}

I can't reproduce the issue. Tbh I think it's nothing to do with dwm, but something to do with initialising video when obs first starts. The screen is oddly split by obs.

I wonder if MP4 will have +faststart etc to make it playback smoothly on the Web? I guess I can run ffmpeg over it again to be sure: