Bug Report Text with scroll not working occasionally


New Member
I have a Text source that grabs the content from a file, with a Scroll filter on it, that has a horizontal speed of 20. When that text file is empty, OBS shows a semi-transparant bar, and will not update the text anymore, even if the file content changes.

This happens whenever the text file becomes empty. The only way to fix it is changing the Scroll filter's horizontal speed to 0 and back to 20, then it works properly again, until the text file is empty once again.

I use this to show the name of the song I'm currently playing, and when I stop the music the file becomes empty, and it's kinda annoying if I have to edit it that way all the time. Not sure why this happens, but it has something to do with the scroll filter and the text file being empty. Without the scroll filter it works perfectly fine.


New Member
I have "fixed" it by putting a single space in the text file instead of emptying it. But it does seem like the scroll filter doesn't know how to deal with empty text.