Text scroll "delay"


So Im displaying donations on one of my layouts, and it has "top donator" and "latest donation"
But unless the top donator and lastest donation are the same donation.
Then they will scroll by and after the 1st time they are scrolled they will be out of sync.

Also, is there any way to maybe add a feature to "Scrolling" filter for TEXT. Maybe call it "delay" so once it has scrolled there is a delay variable so you can say once the text has scrolled that it waits before next "scroll" happens again

So it would be nice if there was a way to add a "delay". And the delay could be 2 ways.
*1* Once the entire text has scrolled by once, it is a delay of XX before it will start scrolling again.
*2* When text starts, its a delay of XX before it starts again.

I prefer version *2*. If you set 2 different messages to "pre-delay" of 30secs, then both text messages will start each time they scroll by to be in sync. And that is what Im more and less asking for.