Text (GDI+) With Templates

Text (GDI+) With Templates 1.2.2


New Member
markjay submitted a new resource:

Text (GDI+) With Templates - Allows you to easily templatize the text in your scene collections

This is an enhancement to the Text (GDI+) source for Windows. With it, you can enter text such as:

View attachment 101274
Then, you can go to Tools->Edit Text (GDI+) With Templates Variables

That will show you the variables that it has found across all of your scenes:

View attachment 101275

Then, you can fill them in:

View attachment 101276

And, you see your source update:

View attachment 101277

Open up your source again, and...

Read more about this resource...


New Member
markjay updated Text (GDI+) With Templates with a new update entry:

Now with conditional rendering

You can now do:

{{#if dj4name}} {{dj4name}} {{#if dj4twitch}}- {{dj4twitch}}@twitch{{/if dj4twitch}}{{/if dj4name}}

And, if dj4name is defined, it'll try to render

{{dj4name}} {{#if dj4twitch}}- {{dj4twitch}}@twitch{{/if dj4twitch}}

And, then if dj4twitch is defined it will render:

{{dj4name}} - {{dj4twitch}}@twitch

but of course with {{dj4name}} and {{dj4twitch}} substituted with whatever they are defined to. Of course, they don't need to be nested, I just wanted to show a...

Read the rest of this update entry...


New Member
This now has everything I've wanted though I do want to more fully test v1.2.1 to ensure that the fix didn't break something else. Assuming the v1.2.1 fix didn't break anything, right now I don't have any future plans for new features. There is a chance I'll implement something like
{{startHour plusOne}}

And, then make startHour be a variable to set. But, that is probably the last thing I can think of that meets any of my use cases.


New Member
This now has everything I've wanted though I do want to more fully test v1.2.1 to ensure that the fix didn't break something else. Assuming the v1.2.1 fix didn't break anything, right now I don't have any future plans for new features. There is a chance I'll implement something like
{{startHour plusOne}}

And, then make startHour be a variable to set. But, that is probably the last thing I can think of that meets any of my use cases.
and the reason I say I want to do more testing to be sure the fix in v1.2.1 didn't break anything is because the bug was so severe and easily hit that I took the step of doing the most minimal fix that might still cause some other issue because I was literally about to start streaming at the time of release of v1.2.0. Note self: don't release an update right before your stream! maybe, even don't release an update until you have streamed with a code change! :)


New Member
Also, is there interest in this for Linux/Mac? I can probably do it, but I want to be sure there is demand for it.


New Member
Yes! This is excellent. I do hope it can be ported to Mac.

started on it


New Member

It seems to work on Linux. It hung on the first attempt, but this was running OBS in WSL and so I'm not sure it was the plugin that caused the hang. I'll try it outside of WSL tomorrow.


I've got to sort out the build issue on OS X first before I can test it on Mac.


New Member
Seems to work on Mac too @lcalder , so I've published it here

Though, it'll probably take a couple of weeks before they can review and approve (based on how quickly this one went live).

In the meantime, you and others can download it at



New Member
Seems to work on Mac too @lcalder , so I've published it here

Though, it'll probably take a couple of weeks before they can review and approve (based on how quickly this one went live).

In the meantime, you and others can download it at

this v1.0.0. push run link is broken, so ignore this


New Member
Hi! This plugin solves a lot of manual work we have to do before each webcast, thank you!

Is there any possibility to enable a command to be able to open the window with the variables?
Either adding it to the overall hotkey/shortcuts in the properties menu, or some other way?

We mainly use streamdecks and bitfocus companion to control our setup, and it would be helpful to be able for our volunteers to press one button and open the window with all the variables.


New Member
I'm trying to implement a time and date stamp, but {{DateTime month}} gives me the month as a name (e.g. March). How can I get it to display the months number (e.g. 03 for March)?
Is there a comprehensive overview of all possible {{DateTime}} codes?
Also I would like to have local names for days and months. Is that at all possible?
Thanks for any help!


New Member

I try to input text but it randomly crashes ..
This is because when you start putting in %-codes, the system starts updating. If your codes are incomplete, the system cannot interpret the input correctly and crashes. Workaround: use a text editor to input your %-codes and then copy and paste into OBS.