Temp work around for ubuntu 14.04LTS

ok so basically im running linux mint 17.2 XFCE which is based on ubuntu 14.04 and what i did to be able to use 11.4 was i ran
sudo apt-get install libgles2-mesa-dev basically manually installing the missing dependancy within like five minuets give or take a few
i was prompted to update OBS to 11.4 now im not saying this will work for everyone but it worked for me and i want people to be aware that there is a work around again this may not work for all ubuntu 14.04 based distros but it's worth a shot and doesint really hurt anything


Community Helper
We haven't built 0.11.4 on the PPAs as an official release because it doesn't add anything for Linux users, and we didn't want to make people re-download a whole update for nothing. That is why it's on 0.11.2 still.
We haven't built 0.11.4 on the PPAs as an official release because it doesn't add anything for Linux users, and we didn't want to make people re-download a whole update for nothing. That is why it's on 0.11.2 still.
i was talking about the issue that was listed on the manual install page of obs for linux it says NOTE: the 14.04 build is still stuck on 0.10.1 due to a dependency issue so i wanted to use this to tell people that you can update on 14.04 using that fix