Take photos / screenshots from video stream window.


New Member
360º live streaming is now full supported by OBS, but if we need to make a simple screenshot / photo, from the video stream to share on facebook or anywhere as a 360º photo, it´s impossible.

A simple print screen from windows don´t work because we need the exact size of the picture we are streaming in that moment, to make a perfect 360º stitched photo.

The perfect solution for me will be, right mouse click over the video stream window, and on that menu, "grab a single frame", option.

Please OBS team, can you add this option that is so requested on this forum all over the years!
I think know with 360º stream supports this makes more sense than ever.

Thanks in advance.
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New Member
I think the same. I´s incredible that OBS doesn´t have the option to make a simple screenshot. It would be very usefull and people have been asking for it for a loooooong time. I hope the read all the post (if they haven´t done it yet, I doubt it) concerning this issue and implement the feature.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I think the same. I´s incredible that OBS doesn´t have the option to make a simple screenshot. It would be very usefull and people have been asking for it for a loooooong time. I hope the read all the post (if they haven´t done it yet, I doubt it) concerning this issue and implement the feature.
We do read most, if not all, of the forum posts. A screenshot feature was proposed, and it is expected to be added at some point, but it is not trivial. There is no specific date/version planned for that feature. Feel free to upvote either screenshot idea on the Ideas site:
I don't know if the current proposal would handle 360 streams/images like the original poster is asking.