Question / Help Switching Settings Between Profiles

Elliot Tower

New Member
I would like to be able to change settings like "Automatically record when streaming" in general options and have my separate profiles load these settings. For example, my main profile could have the setting toggled off but a separate profile would have it toggled on.

What I have been able to do so far is change the stream key and bitrate (stream and output settings menus respectively) but it would be helpful if there were a way to change other settings.
The only way I can think to do this is to somehow get two different installations in different directories or create a symbolic link or something between the program files, but that sounds awfully complicated.

Some other settings that would be neat to change between profiles are toggling on and off studio mode and themes

edit: I found this thread which is a similar question but it's from 2 years ago and many of the things they were looking for have been fixed with newer versions of OBS (for example, changing bitrate)

Elliot Tower

New Member
I just encountered an issue today where I launched OBS and it combined all of my profiles and scene collections into a single one so when I clicked start streaming it went to the wrong channel without me realizing it. I deleted the vod on twitch and restarted my computer which fixed the issue, but it would be nice not to ever have to deal with that anymore lol.

Is there any way to perhaps have multiple installations of the program so that I can have one with my preferences (studio mode, local recording, perhaps a different theme to differentiate) for each specific stream? I am already able to change the stream keys and bitrate but not those other options listed above.

edit: I found that the preferences are saved in the appdata/roaming folder and I got it to work by just copying the obs-studio folder in appdata into another location and then changing the settings around and then backing it up again, then deleting the main obs-studio folder and pasting in whichever of the backups I wanted.

I tried to make a batch script that deletes the folder and then makes a symbolic link between the backup and the obs-studio in appdata, but it didn't seem to do anything. Is there a way to have a script copy in a folder without a symbolic link? I used the same exact syntax that works with another symbolic link batch file and just replaced the directories, which leads me to believe that there is something about the roaming appdata folder that doesn't permit you to do that.

edit 2: tried inputting the commands in the command prompt (as administrator) and realized that the directory needed to be empty. Works like a charm now though :)
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