[Suggestion] Name recordings upon creation


New Member
Hello. A thus-far very satisfied user here.

Now, I've been doing quite a bit of recording with this program, and so far the job's been a good one.

This being said, I tend to do multiple recordings in a row, and I must admit that I allow myself to sometimes get lazy and just stop the recording and start a new one without going to the file I've designated them to go to.

This can result in a number of video files marked purely by number for me to identify and name myself. This can take a while, especially as I don't have a device or program that can play FLV; I need to convert the video, then watch it for a reminder of which it was, then rename the converted video and the original, and possibly make a new conversion of the original recording so it will work for my editing program.

I know I really shouldn't belly-ache, but I have to say this is a bit of an inconvenience. I'd like to be able to simply name the clips myself between recordings.

I'd like to suggest that a toggle-able option for a pop-up box allowing us to do this be implemented, and programmed to by default come up at the conclusion- or, possibly, at the beginning- of a given recording.

If this is already in place, I apologize for the thread, and request to know how to access/toggle this feature.


New Member
I modded OBS classic to replace $x with the scene name to achieve something like what you wanted. I was trying to do the same to OBS Studio but ran in to a problem when making the visual studio files.

Would appreciate it if something similar or the same as my solution was added to OBS Studio



New Member
Yes, being able to name recording would be amazing. Would be nice to have a text box just above the record button to type in a name.