Suggestion: link canvas size to scene (or similar thing)


New Member
Hi, I currently have two scenes and they're both meant to be recordings not for streaming, so maybe the B in OBS doesn't apply too much haha

Anyway, one of them is full screen capturing, there's an overlay of the webcam too in a corner, but that's it. The other one is for capturing a single application which is windowed and occupies around a quarter of the area of what full screen is.

I found a way to just record that window without rescaling it to occupy the full canvas: Right click the source -> Resize output (source size). All good! The output video is the right size and it works wonders.

But when I go to record something using the first screen I described, canvas dimensions are still set for the second so it's "cropped". Nothing difficult to fix of course, it's just like before, only selecting as source for the canvas size the Display Capture instead of the Window Capture.

I would like to have the possibility of linking the output size to a scene to not have to do that operation each time I want to record one or the other. Would it be possible? Maybe not in the form I described if it breaks the workflow of most people using scenes for other (more common?) purposes, but it's just a thought.


You can change your canvas size in a different PROFILE. PROFILEs keep SETTINGS separated, where SCENES do not. Generally speaking, each streaming service needs a different PROFILE, but there is no reason you cannot have different profiles for different resolution recordings as well.


New Member
Oh! I'll have to look into that, it's even a first part item in the application menu!

Thanks! I'm a newbie when it comes to recording one's screen, previous to OBS I was using a simpler program when I needed to record a single window and it was just select the window and record so to speak, it handled the canvas on its own under the scenes so I never thought of it.

But that other program is not hardware accelerated, so it takes its toll on the CPU even if the thing to record is small, that's what made me look into other apps to begin with and OBS being kind of a de facto standard here I am :)