Suggestion: In the mixer have output only

Michael D

New Member
I would like to have the option for OUTPUT only
I like to play music before the live stream actually begins. But I cannot talk to my guest while the music is on

Thank you


Forum Admin
I'm not sure I understand how this relates to OBS.

OBS simply captures your sound devices. Sources do not output any sound to the desktop by default.


Output to what only? You can select between the stream and/or the monitoring device.

If you're talking about a mic and wanting to be able to feed said mic to someone (like Skype) and it not hit the stream, either mute the mic in OBS, or get a digital audio cable system:

How to exclude audio sources for a stream or recording - | Voicemeeter Banana guide -

and use that to mute the mic to the stream.

Michael D

New Member
thank you for such quick replies.
I have a Zoom meeting going on that I bring into OBS.... no problems.
I have a MEdia Source with video and music that plays 15 minutes before the show begins.
I want to have an option to NOTmy headset hear the music playing. right now we have in the mixer options:
Gear Wheel > Advanced Audio > Then I can choose :
Monitor Off (No one hears)
Monitor Only (Only I hear)
Monitor and Output (I hear and the stream hears)
I want just the stream to hear as an option.
Unless I am misinterpreting something!

Thank you

Michael D

New Member
Ok, let me ask...... Monitor Off does this equal me not hearing but it is being sent out to the stream???
If that is the case, sorry for my post!!