Suggestion I'd like to give to Twitch:. More search categories than just simply a particular title.

I don't know about you but some days I'm looking for a particular things that is more particular than just any video game but is more general than one very specific title out of a series of 20 plus that happened to be played in a certain generation.

Maybe there should be more general categories for both the game involved in the stream as well as the type of stream it is.

For games there could be categories like consoles grouped by both generations and console makers in a matrix, where is also button that says allow all others or disallow all others so you can pick multiple things you're in favor for like for example you can pick second generation and if you only want Atari 5200, you say, Atari acceptable system maker all others not golden age acceptable and all other areas not

And we can have similar categories for like companies that make games, individual "head talent" that worked on games, genre of game and remember there could be subgenres and the ability to have user defined so that it can be searched.

Sometimes I'm just scrolling through the games looking for something that was from the second generation of gaming I could just say second generation okay all other generations are no with no filtering in any other category and I get a complete list of games that are currently streaming on Twitch.

Deleted member 121471

This is a support forum for OBS Studio, a livestreaming and recording software, not the right place, at all, to post this sort of topic.

I recommend contacting Twitch or using their subreddit to post suggestions.
